Implementing A Cancellation Flow


Hopsy is a beer subscription service that delivers unique, 2-liter bottles of rotating beer styles directly to your door. Paired with its standalone draft beer machine customers can enjoy taproom quality beer at home.


  • Research

  • Concept Validation

  • Visual Design

Problem Statement

Hopsy club members need a way to easily cancel or change their subscription because it takes customer support a long time to do it manually.


I believe that by creating an easy to use, self-service offboarding experience we can reduce the time it takes to cancel or change a subscription and improve the overall customer satisfaction. This will allow us to better understand customer motives and potentially win them back along the way. We will know this to be true when we see a decrease in cancellation rates and improve retention.

  • How do we create the best cancellation experience that doesn’t negatively affect the company?

  • How do we understand the customers motives and reason for cancelling?

  • How do we try to get customers to change their minds about cancelling?


Site Audit

Customer Support Interview

Comparative Analysis

Common Pain Points

Due to time constraints and limited resources we weren’t able to interview customers. To find usability issues I did a UX audit of the existing experience and talked to customer support about the issues they received from customers.

The biggest issue we discovered was the lack of information about the subscription plan on the site.

  • Unaware they signed up for a subscription

  • Unaware they could customize their order

  • Unaware they could skip an order

  • Felt the subscription was too expensive

  • Disappointed with the beer selection

  • Canceled because of lifestyle changes

Comparative Analysis

To understand how other companies handle self-service cancellation, we looked at food and beverage subscription boxes to determine key features.


  • Improve the onboarding experience so customers are aware of what they are signing up for. In addition we could develop a better user experience by allowing them to customize their order upon activation.
  • Offer more flexibility and customization on the account page and within the cancellation flow. Allow customers to:

    • Skip or change their delivery
    • Customize their beer selection
    • Change their subscription plan
  • Introduce a cheaper subscription plan for customers
    who feel the service is too expensive.
  • The customer account page is confusing and the content structure is unclear. Redesigning the dashboard could help users find the cancel flow with less effort.

Information Architecture

I analyzed the existing account page and determined the best way to reorganize the content so users can easily locate the subscription plan settings and find the cancel flow.

User Flow

Alternative options and resources were positioned early in the flow to help detour users away from fully cancelling their subscription.


Based on my research and the customer support interviews. I built high-fidelity wireframes of all the necessary screens for the cancellation flow.


Once the mobile wireframes were reviewed, updated and approved by the team, I  built out the final designs for desktop and mobile.

Once the mobile wireframes were reviewed, updated and approved by the team, I  built out the final designs for desktop and mobile.

Customers aren’t aware that they can modify their subscription plan at any time. Offering these options upfront we can inform them one last time before they commit to cancel.

As customers proceed through the flow they are offered unique plans catered to their needs to get them to change their mind.

By providing a field to leave additional feedback we can get a better understanding of our customers and their reasons for cancelling.


In the first couple of weeks after launching the self-service cancellation flow we learned that 60% of customers changed their delivery date or the amount of mini-kegs in their order and only 30% canceled their subscription entirely. This proves that we were effective in retaining customers and successfully encouraged more than half of these customers to modify their subscription instead of ending their subscription.

Although we implemented a self-service cancellation, customer support still had to complete the process manually. However, by removing direct communication we were able to decrease the timeline significantly. By removing this burden we were also able to improve the customer support teams response time and decrease their overall backlog.

Next Steps

From our data we learned that customers are still concerned about beer selection and delivery. The next steps would be to determine how we allow customers to better choose their beer and how to solve some of the major delivery issues.

As well as implement the larger task, improving the offer page and onboarding experience.